Saturday, September 28, 2013

He did it again.

Tuesday and Wednesdays are days full of Miklos. Well, I suppose I only have the class for about two hours each day, but it takes up pretty much all of my thought processes on those days. It's so involved.

And we were in the middle of a complicated proof (AGAIN) and I was quite, quite confused. I have on of those faces, or perhaps on of those personalities, or perhaps both - where everything I think and feel is pretty much immediately visible on my face. This means that if I'm confused, my brows are knitted together, eyes scrunched, and I'm probably frowning - yeah. Not all that subtle. But for this proof, I was not only confused, but upset. I really didn't understand what was going on, I didn't get the overall direction of the proof, nor did I get several of the in-between steps. Other people must have been confused or else we would have been moving on in the class, but I wasn't really paying attention to other people and how they were doing with this concept since I was too wrapped up in myself.

Completely wrapped up. Frustrated, frustrated, confused. All of a sudden, "Emily--" Me: "Yes?" Miklos: "You look really confused. You don't understand what's going on." Me, in my head: Yeah, duh. Don't talk to me. I'm upset. Miklos: "Why don't you go to the board and explain it." Then he told the person who was presenting the proof to sit down.

I stared at him. I grumbled. I felt my lip trembling. As I walked to the board, I decided not to cry - though I was upset, confused, and terrified at the thought of explaining something that I didn't understand in the least. And then I started to go through what we had done of the proof so far, talking to the class and rewriting things as I would have written them on the board. And I understood. And we finished the proof with me at the board. This class is really something.


In other news, I'm going here tonight with friends: I'm so excited.

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