Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Oh deary, deary me.

All of a sudden, it's about to be Wednesday in my second week of my internship. And my head is buzzing with thoughts but unfortunately not with the kind of thoughts that usually flow so easily into blog entries, but I'll do my best.

I presented some of my work to my supervisor today and I was told I was doing a great job! I'm not sure whether today I can call myself any kind of a data analyst, but I think at the end of the summer, I will be able to say a bit of that, which is very, very exciting!

And other things are going well, too. I spent the long weekend hanging out with my cousins here while my aunt and uncle went to a wedding. It was a weekend of meals out, naps in between (for me), and many, many X-Men films (we had to watch a bunch of the old ones to be ready for the new one, you see ((which I thought was good!)) and then when we came home from the theater, one of the ones we hadn't watched was on TV...). I also got to hang out with the little Watson, their (if I remember correctly) Pomeranian-Chihuahua mix. I will never own a dog so small, but I have to say, he's growing on me a little.

And today I did possibly the craziest thing yet - I went to a boxing class at the gym by my work. It was a great class - but I honestly - HONESTLY am having trouble convincing the muscles in my fingers to type this right now. I had no idea my hands could be so tired.

So, I close my eyes and see spreadsheets right now and my hands ache from being balled up inside huge gloves, but I'm excited to get back to my office tomorrow. And that's just a great thing.

At the same time, though, I watch the news at night and I feel like the world there can't possibly be the same one that I am going to work in, the one where I go grocery shopping and walk around the neighborhood. I think the events that are happening (Santa Barbara is foremost in my mind, but the rest of the globe as well) are only about as tragic and frequent as they always are, but when you pay attention, it rattles you inside.

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