Friday, July 20, 2012


Oh my goodness. Last night, everyone came over for my party, and I don't think it could have gone better. We were inside and at our apartment since the weather was threatening rain, and we cooked lots of Flammkuchen - I don't think we have a word for it in English. It's like pizza, but traditionally without cheese and with a creamy sauce that is very milky and somewhere between the consistencies of yogurt and cream cheese - it's typically served with tiny pieces of bacon and onions on top, but we had some vegetarians among us, so some were with olives, capers, garlic, peppers and onions and the rest with peppers, onions, and bacon. Delicious. People also brought cheese cake, tabouleh, a fantastic invention that involves wrapping a piece of bacon around a date and cooking it in a pan (*drool*), and even a pudding-dessert with my name written in sprinkles on top. I got lots of presents which almost all catered to my love of chocolate and of office supplies - I now have paper clips in the shape of triangles, spirals, and elephants. My friends rock.

But presents and food aren't the important thing. The important thing was how everyone was there, everyone was happy to be there, and I think I had an authentic moment with each and every person. It's hard to have actual moments of communication and connection with people - hard enough in daily life let alone at a party. But there were some real moments last night where I actually talked to people. I love that. Everyone  (of course) waited until midnight and then sang Happy Birthday (in two languages) and in the middle of their singing, I got so choked up and felt the tears threatening to fall from my eyes. I was really struck at how similar I was feeling to when I left Thailand four years ago- surrounded by friends who had so suddenly and unexpectedly become family, faced with the fact that I would be leaving so soon. At least in this case, I know that I will be back. As C gently reminded me last night, when I excused myself into the bedroom because I couldn't hold back all the tears, "Darling, if you want to, they could all be here again for your birthday next year." It really isn't that long until I'll be here again. A year? What's a year. Nothing. :)

Also, something that touched me last night was that after they had finished singing, even though most people had hugged me when they came in and possibly other times during the course of the party, they all came to me one by one after the other and wished me happy birthday one by one. I just found it so sweet.

As is my custom, I intended on taking pictures and took none - the one that I think will stick in most people's heads, though, was me being hugged and then picked up and spun around by my 2-meter-tall friend (6 foot 7 inches). Hard image to forget!

In short, I think it was the best birthday I have had in a long time. And, I get to have it celebrated again when I get to the states.

In more ways than one, I am so damn lucky.

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