Monday, December 10, 2012

Last Day of Classes

Last day of classes, December 10th. It's 18 degrees celsius, so 64 fahrenheit - I could be in a t-shirt if I wanted to be. One more algebra class and then optional kickboxing, and I am DONE. Well, okay, two finals on Friday, but other than that-- 7/8 done with my Mills career.  ?!?!?

It's a stunning day. I was in my room this morning and on Skype with C as she did some work for her classes and I worked on my review sheet for Algebra. We talked about some things we wanted to do when, in TWO WEEKS, we see each other again. I have my flight booked for Sunday, the 16th, and will be working at the Allegheny College bookstore for a few days before C gets there, and spending some time with my family. A few more program applications (I've gotten my first rejections, by the way - right of passage, right? Happens to everyone? I hope so.) and a great deal of tea, sitting by the fire, and hoping that we'll get at least a little snow.

In other news, I went Christmas shopping in Rockridge with Erin a few days ago and had a blast (found bacon chocolate bars, a coffee mixture called Obama ((due to the origins of the coffee beans - oh, California...)), one of the most beautiful notebooks I have ever seen ((Erin did her duty as a good friend and dragged me away, knowing my addiction to office supplies and my limited finances)), and sticky notes that said "Oy Vey" at the top with a checkbox for "Oh, Shalom." at the bottom, and so many other fun things) - I hope to go back either tomorrow or Wednesday and wander around, though I really don't need to get any more presents for anyone. A student is coming to meet me for tutoring soon, so I should go, but I hope that everyone else is having just as lovely a day as I am.

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to add that I had a hard time dragging you away from that notebook - not because you were so resistant, but because I was drawn in by its utter beauty too!
