Thursday, April 4, 2013

Musings from CA

So, it was a whirlwind and fantastic trip to Germany. It was a bit odd to have the extremely long day of the flight back - I prefer daytime flights to overnight ones, but still. The hours on the plane crawled by - 12 of them in total. I watched Anna Karenina (not bad) and Silver Linings Playbook (eh, also not bad) and did some programming, tried to sleep, got distracted - and all of a sudden I was in San Francisco. Instead of snow and the Straßenbahn, there was fog, freeway traffic, and the Bay Bridge. It was quite surreal on Monday morning to stroll to the pool at 10 in the morning and jump in the water in the bright sun outside after that cold weather last week.

Yesterday I went swimming a well and saw a really neat thing -- a ballet class rehearsing in the shallow end of the pool. I was completely shocked at first until I realized that that makes so much sense. Can you imagine all of the things you would be physically aware of while moving in the water? I bet it's incredibly informative in addition to being a great workout - it's much harder to kick and spin through water than air. It was really, really neat to see. Also a bit distracting. I looked at them twirling and laughing and doing all sorts of amazing things and felt rather boring as I swam freestyle back and forth. Also, I've decided that if they made the bottoms of pools into movie screens and showed, I dunno, Pixar films while I swam, I'd swim for a lot longer.

So, I'm back and back to my m.o., if you will: getting a cup of coffee at quarter to 7 and working on algebra as the sun comes up. It makes me so happy, I can't even explain.

In other news: 44 days until I graduate. !!

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