Tuesday, September 20, 2011

So many THINGS.

It's incredible how many things one needs to purchase when one first gets an apartment! Claudia and I have schlepped an astounding amount of suitcases, backpacks, and ginormous shopping bags full of groceries, clothes, cleaning supplies, kitchen tools, and who knows what up those six flights of stairs, and we still have a list of things to buy! Today is a very adult day - I opened up a bank account here, and we are also planning on going to look at washing machines today. We've decided the price of a washing machine is worth NOT having to carry the laundry down the six flights of stairs, down three and a half blocks sitting at the laundromat, then back up the six flights. It was inconvenient enough yesterday, and it's not even freezing cold yet. :) So, we'll get a washing machine and just not turn on any other appliances while it's running, and the electricity should be okay!

In other news, I'm sitting at the university now, partaking in the internet (yipee! a luxury we do not yet have at our apartment...), and everything seems pretty dandy. Soon I'll put up some pictures of the college as well, and once we have a properly furnished living room (Ikea, here we come. Not only do we need a couch to sit on, but being able to see at night would be a good thing!) there will be more pictures of that! After that, of course, it'll be pictures of the fun things I'll get to do here.

(I'm a bit scatter-brained today, but I hope this post still makes some sense!)

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