Thursday, January 19, 2012

Happy Coincidences

This is a good day.

I didn't think so when the alarm went off at 6. I went to start preheating the shower (oh, yes. Just like an oven.) I was thinking about how on Thursdays, I only have one lecture but it's at 8:00 and Thursday's also the day when all of my homework is due, for every class. That means that sometimes, Thursdays drag on. Somehow every week, a bit of the homework for each class gets pushed until Thursday so after that 8:00 lecture (it's Differential Equations - my Complex Analysis class is actually only half Complex Analysis - DGL (Differenzialgleichungen) ((as I refer to them now)) is the second part) I hang around in the math department until my homework buddies are done with their classes and then we work and try to get our homework in enough order to be hand-in-able. In any case, Thursday evenings I look forward to since everything is turned in and the new homework isn't online yet, so I literally have nothing to do (besides studying... mrrrh. Curse of being a student. You're never really done!) - but the actual day part of Thursday can be a bit of a drag.

But this morning - this morning there was tons of laughter over breakfast and coffee, I left in time for the bus and ran into my homework partner for DGL at the bus stop (I realized about two days ago that she lives maybe two blocks away from us!) and we rode to campus together (I now know about a bus that stops much closer to the math building than the one I had been taking!) and had as good of a time in class as is possible to have. Then I went over to the math department and got myself a cup of good, strong coffee and have been writing back to various people and finishing up odds and ends of assignments for the past hour. Then I got an email from someone in my Computer Programming class who had been AWOL during the last week - he had told the other people in our homework group that he was going to be gone, but not for how long, and also not why. Turns out: he was at a training for a program he's going to do in May -- going to be an English teacher in Thailand, through AFS (American Field Service). !!!!

For those of you who don't know, I also went through AFS to Thailand and have been looking for some way to connect with this guy in the group since I had the feeling he was a nice guy but shy and I had no idea who he really was, therefore working together was sometimes awkward. But we've been writing back and forth for the past half hour and decided I should teach him some Thai, and -- I'm just so happy.

It's also stopped being so cold today. I mean, yes, it's January so the weather has a right to be cold, but the past few days it happened so suddenly I just felt chilled to the bone. But today, it's warm enough to rain but there's no wind. I love rain. I love the smell of rain and the smell of the streets after they've been soaked with rain. This day is just unfolding into so much more fun than I had expected. I just had to share it!

And I'll get around to posting the pictures from Erin soon! Happy Thursday, all!


  1. I'm so glad that you're having a good Thursday - thank goodness for those little unexpected happinesses. :)

    P.S. It's a rainy day here in Edinburgh as well!
