Tuesday, November 13, 2012

So, what's going on exactly?

Today, I met with my group for Film Music, the group of people with whom I am scoring the movie clip. By the way, I found a version of the clip on youtube - here. However, there isn't supposed to be any music to the clip - the person who uploaded it there put their own music to it. I would listen to it with the volume on mute to get the full effect. The director is Maya Deren. It's an interesting clip, to say the least! It's definitely growing on me.

When we met up today, we crowded into a tiny practice room in the music building - piano, guitar, enough room for a piano bench and one chair, and four people. Quite exciting. And we brainstormed! We had good ideas, bad ideas, tried things out, laughed at old ideas, and put together a list of what we will probably do. Next time we meet, we're going to try to record some ideas so that we don't have to try and get all the recording done in the studio in December. I'm quite pleased with how our group is working together - I've got a good feeling about the project.

In other news, cover letters and resumes are still really hard to write. I'm clawing my way through some of them and am finding new opportunities each day - of course, I never feel like I'm actually qualified for any of the positions, but some of that is in my head. And if a good proportion of it isn't just in my head and a I actually shouldn't apply for a certain position, usually I realize that. No new applications have gone out yet, but they will soon.

Also, 41 days until I see C again. You can imagine how happy that makes me.

Also, yesterday, I had an inspiration for an algebra-art project and as soon as I find a scanner, I will upload it and do my best to explain it briefly. I said in class that a concept we were discussing reminded me of fractals, and no one understood why- then I drew a picture, and now they know what I mean. :)

Speaking of, it's time for algebra homework. A friend of mine told me yesterday that she had calculated, based on the average time it takes her to do a homework assignment for our professor, that over the course of the semester, she will spend 8 full 24 hour days just doing algebra homework. Not counting rereading notes for class, not counting going to class, not counting studying for exams. Oy vey! I'd better go and make a dent in that myself. ;)

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