Sunday, December 2, 2012

A Few Things to Share

1. It's Sunday, Dec. 2nd and today is the day I go to the recording studio with the folks in my Film Music class to score our clip! We're scheduled for about five hours in a professional studio in Oakland with a guy who has done music for big name folks, including MGM. And we get this studio time for free - I mean, yes, we pay to go to this college, but this much studio time is pretty incredible! I'm the studio manager, so today I get to be the bad guy and tell people to stay on track and not waste time. Lovely! I think I'll enjoy that. ;) Actually, I don't think we'll have a problem with people slacking off or taking too long - my group has worked really well together so far. I hope I get a copy somehow of the final clip with the music so I can show it to people. I'm so excited about it - and today, really, to see how it comes together! Right now, I know how the clip looks with my guitar piece because we've synched those files together, but the rest of the "music" (sounds, really) we've come up with haven't been synched yet - that's what we get to do today. And we get to figure out if it only sounded good in our heads or if it was actually a good idea! I'm psyched. :)

2. Yes, there are flash flood warnings for this area of California - and we have to drive today to get to the studio, and I'm sure the roads aren't in good condition. Yes, we will be careful. No, they probably won't cancel class tomorrow. Unfortunately. Also, the campus is soaking wet but I live on top of a hill, so it's not quite as bad. Still, rainboots would be nice. I'll get by without 'em! The rain is the perfect excuse to stay in and read and drink tea.

3.  Guess what? This blog now has over 200 posts and over 7000 views. I didn't expect that when I started it last year! Also, every time I check and see what exactly my "audience " is (a neat feature of this website), a large portion of my views are technically coming from France. Does anyone know who in France is reading this? If you do, let me know!

4. Six more days of classes!!!!!

5. A song I can't get out of my head these days and and can't get enough of -- So Many Nights by The Cat Empire. Look it up and dance!

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