Monday, December 17, 2012

So... it's over?

That semester was intense.

And now, I'm sitting on the little couch in my room at my dad's house, the dog asleep on the floor next to me. Meadville is all around me, just like I never left, like it's just been waiting here. And I made it through my finals - every last one of them.

I'm sorry I disappeared for those few days. There was more Algebra than I had brain space for, plus packing and saying goodbye to friends, stressing out about Christmas presents, and trying to organize where I'm going to live next semester. (sidenote: I got the official email - I'm moving OUT of the dorm and INTO an apartment on campus with friends and a KITCHEN! No more dining hall... I can't tell you how happy I am to cook again!!) But I survived. I turned in every last final paper, every piece of homework, attended each exam and wrote until I thought my hand would fall off (remember, I had my 3 hour Algebra exam, a one hour break for dinner, and then a 3 hour film exam -- after which there were celebratory chicken nuggets with other friends who had taken the finals), and still managed to feel like I wasn't getting enough done. But I did.

I'm watching Abby, my dog, dream right now. I can see her nose moving back and forth and her paws twitching, even her ears cocking to this side or the other. Her life makes me put mine in perspective sometimes.

And I made it back to PA, obviously. Tomorrow, I'm starting back at the Allegheny Bookstore - a job of helping students find books, stacking textbooks on shelves, and occasionally selling Allegheny paraphernalia to eager parents of students. My sister comes home on Thursday, and C one week from today. Actually, one week and about one hour- then she'll be landing at the Pittsburgh airport on Christmas Eve.

And now, as a jet-lagged, semester-worn student, I will go to bed. :)

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