Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Writing Christmas cards..


So, I spent some quality time with my new complex analysis book. I'm not sure if the two of us will be best friends, but -- certainly more likely than me being best friends with my Stochastics TA! I know I left that story sort of hanging earlier, and I won't go into much detail now. Basically, I find him arrogant, intimidating, and really not adept at teaching. And rather petty. But who knows what I would think of him if were better at Stochastics. :P

I think that blogs make it very easy to let go of the "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" rule that we all learned as kids. Sure, ranting is really fun and sometimes rather important, but I don't think I'll spout my venom about that workshop here. Especially because now, I'm over it! If I write about it, it'll just come back!

Right now I'm flopped on the couch and trying to convince myself to write some Christmas cards. It's not that I don't want to write them or don't want to be in contact with the people to whom I will send the cards -- it's just that I would so much rather sit down with them and have a cup of coffee, show them around the apartment and the city - or just hug them (a lot of them I haven't seen in four months or more) - and because of that, it's so hard for me to bring myself to write a tiny card. But alas, I want to send something! And I do miss the people, and want to hear from them, so -- los geht's!

(Note: It's becoming harder and harder to think in English. Really.)

(Note 2: I'm gonna have serious German language withdrawal back in California. Help.)

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