Thursday, July 26, 2012

In transit.


I’m listening to a cd that I got for my birthday, staring at the big digital clock in front of me at Gate C14 – it’s 7:47. I got up at 3:00.  It’s been a long day already and the flight hasn’t even started!

Leaving Mainz was very strange. I went between thinking about all the things I would miss, from the meaningful (my friends, the apartment, my life there in general) to the extremely mundane (the recorded voice that says the names of the bus stops as you ride the bus, the machines for recycling bottles at the store, bakeries on every corner) and then I would be excited about seeing my family again – but every time I got excited, I realized that I was imagining I would go to the states for a visit, not to stay.

This is not to say that I don’t love the states anymore or my friends there or family – of course not. I am very excited for my senior year, especially just to be in California again (which I have missed more than I expected). I’m just – leaving a place is always hard. I’ve planted roots. I’ve gathered a community around me. I have a routine, a plan, a way of doing things and a system of amazing people around me. No matter where you’ve built that kind of life, it’s always hard to leave.

C’s plane took off about twenty minutes ago. I wish we could fly together, but at least I will see her soon.  We’ll be picked up by my father in the San Francisco airport in about twelve and a half hours – at least, that’s when I’ll get in. C gets in about two hours later.

In the meantime, I’ve got a few plans. Want to hear them? You’re reading this, so I’ll assume you do:

1.     Don’t fall asleep yet. Wait until you’re on the plane!
2.     Somehow convince the flight attendants (once they’re at the counter here at the gate) to let me get on the plane early to put my guitar in an overhead compartment or in some closet. Apparently the flight is hugely full and things have changed a bit since the last time I flew with my guitar... She’s packed in tight with sweaters and things just in case they need to throw her in the brig, but I hope not.
3.     On the plane, listen to Stephen Fry! I’ve held off listening to his book for the past few days so I could have a bunch to listen to on the plane and I’m so allowed!!
4.     See if there’s free internet to upload this blog entry... J
5.     Find food? We’ll see if that happens. There’s a huge supply of absolutely NOTHING near this gate. Tiny coffee shop with pretzels (not really my thing at this time of the morning) and a duty free shop. They’ll give us food on the plane for sure.

I’m gonna stop writing now just in case they do come to the counter. J Wish me luck!

P.S. Just checked my FreeCell record? Played: 4429 Games. Won: 4214. Hell, yeah.

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