Monday, July 23, 2012

Quite Productive and Also Disbelieving


It's 11:58 in the morning and I am in the math building on campus. I've been here since 8:30, just studying linear algebra. I don't think I've every immersed myself quite so much in one subject. Yes, last semester I had much harder classes and studied as hard as I could for them, but I never had the freedom to concentrate on only one at a time, like I do now. Basically, I close my eyes and see matricies, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.

My plan for the day was for it to be a completely studying day. The exam is Wednesday - my very first oral exam in math - and tomorrow, I have to do some pesky things like exmatriculate and go to the city people and tell them I won't be living here anymore. Oh, yeah. And I should probably pack.

In any case, I am quite proud of my work today so far, and I certainly hope it continues into the afternoon. I also wanted to brag a bit and tell you that yesterday I ran 13 kilometers - roughly 7.5 miles. Oh, yeah!!!

Ever since I decided not to do the Women's Run in Frankfurt, I wanted to have some other goal to set for myself. I wanted to do more than my normal run length and yesterday, I ran all the way to the first bridge, did the Three Bridges Run, then all the way back home again. After so much static sitting and studying, it was pretty fantastic.

In other news, I'll be in California in four days. That's really strange. But I am excited.

Now, unfortunately, I must go. I need some lunch - all the other people in this silent work room keep staring at me since my stomach is making sounds like a wounded cat. Bye!

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