Monday, October 8, 2012

Prospies Abound

So, our campus is covered with prospective students today - Prospies, we call them. I remember during my various college visits at the end of high school that it was odd to be called a Prospie for the first time - still, at one college (Swarthmore) they referred to us as "Specks". I prefer Prospie!

The point is, they are all around campus today - roaming in groups that are lead by a Mills student carrying a spotted balloon, just so they don't get lost. A few came to my class this morning - pretty intense! Discussion of why state immigration policy is sexualized and racialized and has been so since the 1800s... but they did great! One student even joined in the conversation with a relevant comment, something that us students who have actually done the required reading can't always do.

It's also a gorgeous day. I realized yesterday when I was filling in an application form and needed to write down the years that I "attended" Mills that I will never see the seasons change on this campus again. I said this to Erin, who promptly threw a pillow at me and told me to stop saying such depressing things. Point is, today and yesterday the closing of the Mills time has been quite obvious to me. It's amazing how connected to this place I feel now. It really has treated me well as a student.

Meanwhile, the work doesn't stop. I'm going to head over to the math building and do some reviewing before class. Tonight, Erin and I will celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving by getting the traditional Thanksgiving Crepe in Berkeley (our name for a delicious crepe with turkey, cheese, and cranberry sauce). I'm looking forward to it!

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