Monday, November 26, 2012


I was strolling across the campus today and thinking about all of the wonderful things that happened last week, and I wanted to give you a brief overview of them. In addition to cooking and chatting with my aunt and losing terribly to my cousins at MarioKart, there were just some completely wonderful moments. I got the chance to just be, for the first time in a long time. My days at Mills start with some kind of work around 8:30 in the morning and usually don't end until 9:30 at night, and over this weekend, I went to bed at about 9 and woke up at 6 with the rest of the house - tea, walks, food-- I can't even explain. A few more pictures will be coming, but I have to go to class now, so here's this to start.

Finn McCool, my grandfather's dog, who I saw on Saturday and Sunday. :)

Watson, my aunt and uncle's dog - half Chihuahua, half Pomeranian

Thanksgiving dinner!

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