Friday, November 9, 2012

Something New

Do you ever do something that is out of your comfort zone and in doing so, realize what life might be like if you were a different person? Just, like, a little snippet of a potential existence?

This morning, I was thinking about my final project for my Film Music class. We have been put into groups and as a group, have to score a five-minute film clip. We can use preexisting music, we can compose, we have to go into a recording studio in about three weeks and put whatever music it is we do want to the clip, add any other sound design we think needs to be there, mix it, and have a clip ready to present on the last day of class. The neat thing is that on that day, we will see three completely different versions of the same clip, since each group is working with the same one. But we don't know what the other groups are doing.

This film clip is strange, to say the least. But it's growing on me. Black and white, ghostly, people who are there one second and gone the next -- very odd. But the thing that I got to experience this morning was neat. I'm sitting on the floor, leaning against my bed and have my guitar. I just watched the clip two or three times and improvised on the guitar, playing to it. And I found something - not sure if I would call it a melody - that goes with a certain character. I focused on the notes I was using, found some new ones that went along with it. I was composing to a film clip. And I just had the thought that there are some people who do this for a living. I'm nowhere near good enough and I have serious doubts that that's a direction I will ever go in, but - it was fun to try it out. I'm not sure if the rest of my group will like anything that I've come up with, and it's okay if they think it's nothing special or if they think it doesn't fit. I'm just glad to have had the experience of it so far.

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