Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Awards, Family, and Dance

This week has been quite chaotic, and I say that knowing it's only Wednesday morning. Monday was the Academic Awards ceremony and I was invited to attend, which implied that I had got an award. I knew that I had gotten into Phi Beta Kappa, so I assumed that was why, and then I heard whispers that I had gotten something else as well. So, I figured that, if anything, it might the Math and Computer Science award, given to one graduating senior every year. And I was right- but I also won another award - designated technically to the Natural Sciences and Mathematics, and I shared the award with a Biology major who lived next door to me Freshman year, which is rather exciting. Actually, the whole thing is rather exciting! Erin received some awards as well, and yesterday, another friend of ours brought these to us:

After that, Erin and Carly and I went out to dinner with Erin's mom, who came out for the ceremony and had a lovely time - a really fantastic meal that made me want to see my family again in a big way. 
Then, yesterday, I did what I have been terrified to do but also required to do all semester long - I went to a Milonga, or social tango place, in San Francisco. It was required for the class and I knew that but so far, hadn't dared to go. Below you can see my tango partner and myself as we got ready to leave.

We did dance with each other there for a few sets, but I was also asked to dance by another gentleman and once I communicated that I really was an absolute beginner, we had a nice time dancing. A good lead is - is absolutely amazing to find. And so much fun, as a follower. However, I did bring both my following shoes and my leading shoes, and for another four songs, I lead our teacher who happened to be at the Milonga as well - also nerve-wracking, but lots of fun. And when I got home, I looked up places to take Tango lessons and go dancing in Budapest. :)

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