Monday, June 4, 2012

A quick break from the paper to say hello.

So, I'm back at my office - that's what I call it when I clear off the dining room table and pile books, a laptop, a notebook, a water bottle, and a coffee mug on it. Today I was especially hardcore- I plugged in speakers to my laptop so I could blast my motivational music.

I really wanted to write in case anyone else is having trouble writing something right now, because I've figured out some things that motivate me!

1) Coffee or tea - SPARINGLY. I think tea or coffee is a great muse to have with you if you only have it once in the day (once each, you understand). I have a cup of coffee in the morning and a cup of tea in the early afternoon. I look forward to it and then when I have it, it gives me a little push because I'm so happy to have my hot beverage. It also seems like I come up with my best ideas while I'm leaning back in the chair and thoughtfully picking up the mug to take a sip. :)

2) Music without words. Right now, it's been alternating between the Pirates of the Caribbean soundtracks and the Lord of the Rings soundtracks. I tried Debussy and Dvorak, but they were a bit too calm and long winded for this situation. Movie soundtracks are snappy and quick, even when it's a slow piece, and somehow the changing up of the background music keeps my head up and running, too. Usually I can listen to music that has words if it's not words that are in the language that I'm writing in, but with this paper, that doesn't work. I've got German, English and Thai. Seriously narrows down my music options! But Pirates has been great so far.

3) Sounds weird, but I love having a candle on my desk while I'm working. It makes me feel like some cool author or playwright back in Shakespeare's time, not just another student writing just another paper. I like it. :)

Okay - and sometimes, quick blog entries help me think, too. I'll go and see if this worked! :)

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, remind me of these when I have to start writing my dissertation next year! I'll also have to steal the LotR soundtrack when I see you next, because I think that would make an excellent addition to my own wordless-study-music playlist!

    Good luck with the rest of your writing! <3
