Sunday, October 9, 2011

Return from Scotland!


Oh, it's been ages. I'm writing to you now while printing out all the materials I will need for my first meeting with the Middlebury folks tomorrow (exciting!) and I am happy to say that today is the first day we've needed to turn on the heat in our flat, and it WORKS! The radiators are radiating heat... how lovely!

We got back this evening from our trip to Scotland, and it was honestly fantastic. Yes, I tried black pudding (curious what that is? Look it up! :D), though I did not get around to eating haggis, and I walked down the streets of Edinburgh and learned what wind really was.

I saw a castle and climbed an almost mountain and walked down cobblestone streets where you could almost swear you heard bagpipes playing, and then you realize that you ARE hearing bagpipes since every tourist-dedicated shop that sells tartan has the bagpipes blaring from their speakers. But it still added to the ambiance. I had fish and chips in a pub where I could barely understand the bartender when he asked me if I wanted ice in my Pepsi, and spent several minutes throughout the week thinking I was hearing a foreign language and then realizing it was just English! I fumbled with the many pence coins at registers and found the prices in cafés totally reasonable until I remembered it was pounds, not dollars. And I sat in a pub and had a pint with Erin and Claudia late one night and thought I didn't want to be anywhere else.

Sorry for the rambling. It was just a damn fantastic trip.

There are pictures that I am very excited about, and clips to be put together into a video that I am even MORE excited about, and you will be seeing those soon!

I'm off to prepare the last things for tomorrow and get some sleep. Look forward to hearing from any of you readers soon!

1 comment:

  1. It was so lovely to have the two of you here! I can't wait to see you again soon!
