Sunday, October 9, 2011

A Scotland teaser!

Here are just a few shots! The one of me is on a train in Germany, actually, not Scotland - but you'll see a bit more of that train trip in a video soon. The other pictures are 1) Claudia exhibiting her talent as an up-and-coming-photographer and catching the Edinburgh skyline, 2) a lovely and picturesque cemetery that we visited the first day (and found an exciting grave - more on that later!), 3) The entrance to that cemetery, and 4) A statue of Greyfriars Bobby, the dog who is said to have sat on his master's grave in the Greyfriars cemetery until the dog himself died. (We actually learned the story was not true - sorry to disappoint anyone! -- the dog statue still seemed quite charming to me.)

Alright - that's the first small sample of pictures. Now it's really bedtime!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, tolle Bilder! :-) Besonders das Eingangstor zum Friedhof finde ich schaurig-schön - da möchte ich des Nachts lieber nicht lang spazieren.... ;-)
    Liebe Grüße!
