Tuesday, June 25, 2013

"This is quite the three-pipe problem, Watson."

For me, rather "This is quite a three-pen problem!" Three colors of pen, cup of coffee, happy as a clam. This morning's task: understanding logit transformations, building predictive algorithms, enjoying the San Francisco drizzle (there was a beautiful rainbow during my run this morning!).
 Time to dive in! Oh, shiny macbook, you are nothing to a piece of narrow-lined notebook paper.

(speaking of the shiny macbook, it's kind of hilarious the relationship I've had with mine recently. I updated to the newest version (10.whatever) and I'm thrilled at the new shortcuts, multiple desktops, etc. that it is capable of, but it occurred to me yesterday (when it was whirring and heating up while juggling two desktops, four excel documents, and quite a few firefox tabs) that basically what I've done is not exchange my donkey for a stallion, but rather put a bunch of shiny new chain mail on the donkey. It still groans and grumbles but looks great while doing whatever it is I make it do. Underneath, 'tis the same creature! I promise I'll put you out to pasture as soon as I can. Until then, trusty friend, bear with me.)

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