Wednesday, September 26, 2012


I was just in the math building on campus (called CPM ((Computer Science, Physics and Math)), in case I call it that sometime in the future) and I saw a horde of youngsters (okay, freshmen, but seriously - they are starting to look young to me) queuing around the door to CPM 101 at 9:55 in the morning - I know that scene. That's the 10:00 Calculus class. Every fall semester, there is a Calculus I class at 10 in the morning.  I remember when I was part of that crowd - I remember my first few days of Calculus I first semester, back when I thought I was going to study Anthropology - I stood in that bunch and watched older students talk about math that I didn't understand. Now, I happen to know that they just had their first exam, those little students - I'm now in the group of students that runs review sessions for them, who sit and proctor the exams. Circle of life, circle of studies - you get the picture. I was so suddenly nostalgic, it was kind of crazy. I'm kind of starting to feel like a senior.

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