Tuesday, July 9, 2013


So, I just made one of perhaps the prettiest dinners I've ever eaten or seen. I peeled and thinly sliced some red beets, mixed them with equally thinly sliced onion and carrots and let that mixture marinate in balsamic vinegar, a bit of olive oil, salt, dill, and lemon juice - from a lemon from the tree outside - for about two hours. Then, I heated that slowly for a few minutes and at the last moment, tossed in some fresh kale and let it wilt slightly. The purple-green-orange stuff tumbled onto my plate as I quickly tossed an egg into the pan (it would be cheesy and fitting to say it was the egg that I got from the chickens this morning, but it wasn't, since there were still some in the fridge from before and I thought I should use them in order - but it was a lovely egg nonetheless! Let us not judge it by its potential supermarket origins...). This egg topped off the pile of greens and beets and I served it (to myself) with half an avocado.

Why, you may ask, if the colors were so vibrant and the overall meal so picturesque did I not upload a picture of it here? Well, the answer is simple and slightly pathetic. The pan I was used professed to be non-stick while I cooked the beets and greens and then proceeded to be less so as soon as the egg was involved, so the final plate was - well, perhaps it wasn't so pretty as it was, but I could see its potential. I'm sure I'll do this again and I'll manage with the pan this time. :)

Instead of the morning studying, today it will be evening studying. After I wash up my plates, I'll hang out with my books for a bit. So far, Berkeley is pretty cool.

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