Saturday, July 13, 2013

Returning the favor

Today is Saturday. I woke up, got out of bed, jogged over to a gym and went to a workout class that's led by the boyfriend of a friend of mine. After that, I jogged back, made my coffee and got to studying. After an hour and a half, I took a bubble bath and then enjoyed some zone-out time before heading to the back yard, feeding the chickens, watering the plants, etc. I should say I returned from that venture with this:

The egg simply reflected light from every angle, but that's what that in the center-right is. It was delicious.  There were also at least half a cup's worth of blackberries out there but when I returned from my jog, they didn't last long at all. They didn't even make it inside.

This pretty blissful, I have to say.

As I was finishing up my lunch, I got an email from my grandmother, who suggested I check out today's post on my great-uncle's blog. He recommended my blog there a while back and I have him to thank for some increased traffic in the weeks since. I thoroughly enjoyed the post that was recommended to me (as well as his blog in general) and I encourage you to check it out - his blog is entitled The Philosopher's Stone and the post from today is called 'Perambulatory Musings'. I hope you enjoy it.

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